Emotions Unleashed

Composed by Monika  on physical abuse. 
Pain. Suffering. 
Hospital smell. 
Doctor examines. 
Little panic. 
Came out the usual lies. 
Accidently Hurt.... Fell down...  
Bumped the head 
with the bathroom tap... 
Fainted.... Collapsed
Fell unconscious...
Slipped to hit the floor...
....And many many more! 
Lies- well thought, 
planned to precise details.
Play staged.
Reality buried! 
Life continued...
Like a deceptive illusion.
Day after day. 
Year after year... 
Smiling face. 
Mind in cage.
Heart under fear.
That pillow was an armour - 
It could save a life in the womb. 
Tears were the panacea of the brusiered eye. 
The smell of ointments was a lullaby.
Every night crying to sleep was - a  lifestyle!
Every morning a mask was worn. 
With an enchanting smile it was adorned.
In holding hands, greetings friends, dinners,
Music and ferry lights...dwelled delusion. 
Life continued- deceptive illusion!
However, truth cannot be  buried -
Forever in hearts and souls.
It has to emerge like a Phoenix 
It rises from the ashes - 
stonger than ever before.  
Consciousness regains. 
It becomes the whirlwind of change. 
It is the cyclone that sweeps away lies. 
It thunders and rains 
To drown the deceit and caprice.
Fear's formidable personality 
Phantoms the heart.
It scares with consequences...
If truth revealed.
Threatens with prangs of loneliness. 
It clouds judgment. Captures will.
Destroys dreams...and love...it kills!
Awake now. Resist! How? 
Be sane. Accept the shame. 
Acknowledge the pain. 
Be a brave warrior. Fight for your right.  
Conquer fear. Ignite the light. 
Journey is lonely- true. 
The only way is through!!!
The only way is through!!!

The Alchemist

Monika Kathuria/Day 6 Poetry Challenge  Our hero walked through the Meadows, And he read to the sheep in lovely mountain breeze. He tro...

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