Solitude, lonely or alone.... By Monika Kathuria

 "We are born alone, we live alone and we die alone. Only through our love and friendships, we create the illusion for the moment"- Orson Welles.
We all have felt lonely sometime or the other. It could have been when a friends forgot to call us over, when they enjoyed or when the people we connect with are busy in their work and other commitments. Someone may feel lonely, waiting for that "special one" in life.
In loneliness there is a vacuum or emptiness that follows a person everywhere. It is like an isolation, a heartache and a pining for companionship. One can feel lonely even in a crowd. Loneliness is an unwanted sickness. Insomnia, memories pain and tears are its side effects.
It is like a song ringing in your head which you want to turn off but can't!
Why "lonely", why not "alone"?
It is matter of a perspective.
Being alone is a choice.It is a place to be. It is empowering.No doubt, many times, being alone crosses paths with being lonely.
It gives one freedom to do what one wants. It has sanity.  From being lonely to being alone is a brave journey.
Virginia Wolf said "Alone I fall down into nothingness. I push my foot sleathily lest I should fall off the edge of the world into nothingness."
Enjoy the solitude whenever possible, as it is rooted in peace. Funny thing is, once you start feeling happy alone, everyone else wants to be with you!

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