My daughter wanted me to share my journey of 2018 on her instagram page (@infinitenothingness), where she quoted Robert Frost -"The best way out is always through ". Share your journey through 2018.
So here's it dear-
Year 2018 was an year of lessons. It opened me to different realities.
We are all vulnerable and seek acceptance. Acceptance and validation for who we are. The turmoil shakes us or breaks us. Seen with right attitude can make us to what we should turn out to be.
During the year, I fell, I rose, I cried. I felt lost and alone deep inside. There was a retaliation in my eyes for having been taken "for granted", too long, for all my compromises. I felt suffocated and in dis-harmony with myself and surrounding. So, I kept myself busy.
When suddenly I was thrown to self (re)discovery. I was (and still am) a loner. An introvert and an introspector. However, I realized that I was also a survivor. I was not a victim of my struggles. I did not need any sympathy. I was capable. I was me...
I was taught a lesson to rise above all my fears. To accept all my short comings. It is in accepting and acknowledging that we release. Which in turn opens us up to be empathetic, genuine and authentic person; even if it meant being ridiculed at. I learned to apologize, when required. I became humble and full of gratitude.
In order become sane I strived.
I decided to work harder. I started to do yoga and exercise. I started to go for long nature walks. I took to scribbling my ideas, I started to write, though I still hunt for expressions. I started meditating regularly.
Near the year 2018 end, I did make some friends. As an educator I touched young minds. I sowed new ideas and insights.
There were things I left behind- my pessimism, my fear of public opinion and my inhibition. I let go of the pain and toxic attachments. I forgave them those who didn't care for me or pretended to do so. I have no place for obligatory relationships. I have learnt to be my own friend!
Those who are judgemental will not stay. Those who are meant to be will always find a way. I am a believer and God is very kind.
As a saying goes- "Life is a fantasy there is no reality, we are nothing and in being nothing we are everything! "
Quoting my favorite lines of Robert Frost : "The woods are lovely dark and deep but I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep...and miles to go before I sleep !"
Wishing you a very Happy and Enlightening New Year 2019!