I still believe I am getting closer. Closer to rediscovering myself on the road I got lost. I find myself travelling back and forth in time. The Déjà vu is overwhelming. This is how it started...
Once as I sat trying to write and let my creative juices flow. Suddenly my thoughts got loose. They appeared and danced around me in the air, fluttering, like colourful butterflies. Their pretty wings flapped, soundlessly, yet they created a breeze. The whole room was filled with fragrance of flowers. It smelled so sweet that, I felt nauseated. It was surreal! The butterflies vanished just as they came. I stood amazed- watching myself sitting alone at my desk!
I sighed and within no time came charging horses, elephant and the knights. The room turned into a battlefield. There was smell of dust in the air and I felt suffocated. I gasped for breath! Unable to decide, if I was on the Black or the White side. The game of chess suddenly disappeared. It left me sweating and I stared into nowhere.
Then suddenly came words, letters and alphabets. They just kept pouring; echoing in my ears. There were metaphors everywhere. The "pun of words" created the "fun" of words! I skipped a heartbeat and started drowning in this sea. The words were deep. Too deep for me to surface, so, I decided to let them overpower me. And as I sank even deeper, suddenly- I re-discovered the lost me!